Friday, January 23, 2015

Robin Hood Series 1: Him I Liked

Sherwood Forest, Early evening, BBC's Robin Hood: ep. 4.

The Funeral of Royston White.

In the fourth episode of Robin Hood, Royston was captured by Guy of Gisbourne and put in prison, and forced to try and kill Robin Hood because of the sheriff's threats.

Robin and his men found out about it.  They all went to the castle to save Royston's mother, who was the sheriff's bargaining chip, and Royston died in the fight.

The outlaws took Royston's mace and burned it on a campfire as a funeral. . .
That is where this build comes in.

The campfire with Royston's mace.

Fire and ashes.

And wood.

Please tell me how I did on the campfire in the comments below.


Another back shot.

Side view.

Top shot.

Royston's mace.

The campfire without the mace.


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